- Use the tool in fullscreen by clicking "Toggle fullscreen" within the Options menu.
- Remove the gaps between links and elements by clicking "Pixel-perfect links" within the Options menu (this operation takes some time).
- You can use your regular browser's zoom options to zoom in and out.
- To change the name of an element: double-click it.
- To collapse/expand an actor/role/agent: press alt and click it.
- To change the diagram size: use the Options menu.
- To change the label of a contribution link: select the link; on the Properties panel, click on the current value of the link; select a new value.
- To change the type of a dependency: select the dependum; on the Properties panel, click on the current type of the dependency; select a new type.
- To change the type of an actor: select the actor; on the Properties panel, click on the current type of the actor; select a new type.
- To change the direction of a dependency: select the dependum; on the Properties panel, click on "Flip direction".
- To delete an element: click on the element, then press the delete key.
- To delete a dependency: click on its dependum, then press the delete key.
- To delete a link: click over the link, then press the delete key.
- To delete a vertex in a link: double-click the vertex.
- To add a property to an element or link: click on the element or link, then click on the Add Property button in the sidepanel.
- To add an actor/role/agent in the diagram: click on the ACTOR... button, select the respective option, and then click on the diagram.
- To add a goal/task/resource/quality in the diagram: click on the respective button and then click on the actor that will contain the element. (OBS: all elements must be inside an actor/role/agent)
- To add a refinement/qualification/needed-by link: click on the respective link button, then click on the source element, and lastly click on the target element.
- To add a contribution link: click on the CONTRIBUTION... button, select the respective label, then click on the source element, and lastly click on the target element.
- To add a dependency link: click on the DEPENDENCY... button, select the respective dependency type, then click on the source element (in the depender), and lastly click on the target element (on the dependee).
- To add an is-a/participates-in link: click on the ACTOR LINKS... button, select the respective option, then click on the source, and lastly click on the target.
piStar tool version 2.1.0For more info on this project, please visit the
piStar repository .